607 S Hill St #505Los Angeles, CA 90014
Look through the answers to the most popular questions of our customers. Didn’t find what you needed? Just send us a message, and we will get in touch with you shortly.
How do you determine your pricing?
Why do I see a different buy price listed on artaj.com compared to the "market" price?
How long are prices held for and when is the final price of my order confirmed?
Is there a minimum or maximum product count or dollar value when making a purchase?
Do products come with a Certificate of Authenticity?
Will I have to pay any duties?
What delivery options does Artaj Gold & Jewelry offer?
Can I pick up my items in person?
Do you offer secure storage services?
Can I change or cancel my order?
How will my items be shipped?
Do you charge for shipping?
Will I need to sign for my package?
Can somebody else receive the package on my behalf?
What happens if I am not home to sign for my package?
How do I find the Post office if I missed the delivery?
How long will it take before I receive my product?
Can I ship to an address other than the one registered to my credit card?
Is the parcel ship-insured?